Month: March 2023

haere mai !

task description : Today  I finished  my haere mai! activity . we had to ask her some questions and write a summary . we also had to do instructions to make a poi or anything else  that is maori related.

kapa haka diary

task description: Today  I started to write a kapa haka diary . this  activity was interesting  and a bit hard because I got a bit of  a hard thinking for ideas.

I really wanted to be in the kapa haka group because it looked fun. Now I’m wondering how to get in the group and practise for prize giving at the end of the year. 1 Year ago when I was in year 2 I got in the kapa haka group but now I forgot how to . For now I’m practising at home so if I get in I’ll be ready . I love the way that kapa haka is interesting and fun for kids and adults and that kapa haka is a lovely cultural dance.I feel excited for the kapa haka sign ups if that’s how it works . I don’t have any more ideas so bye!

bond to 20

task description:2 weeks ago i started an activity called bonds to 20. It was easy for me because we just had to make bonds to 20 with the same numbers. I got a little stuck when it was only the number ten because  I thought we had to make a different one to the one i did last time.


task description: this week Tuesday I started my nouns activity  which was really fun . We had to listen to the audio on each page and write what it says. On the first page we had 4 different sections and had to put the nouns in the right section.

NZ Story

task description : This week my teacher told us to write something about our beautiful country New Zealand. Our teacher showed us a video about New Zealand to give us some inspiration to start us on our writing. Then we started writing our 6 sentence story`s .

Place Value

Task Description :On Wednesday me and my maths group did some place value on our chrome books. It was our longest activity this year well for now. I really liked the way that it was a recap from last year, and I also enjoyed doing the expanding part.

Fishing Fisaco

Task Description: We learned to summarise what happened in the book into a shorter version. I liked the task because I got to write which is my favourite subject. I would suggest you read this book because it was fun to read as it was interesting.