Tag: year5

similes story

Task Description : This was a task where I had to write something and add similes  in it . For my one I did the Aurora that has been appearing a few days ago, but now its gone . In this I have learned heaps about the aurora sky because i also put some facts about it Too. This was really fun to do !


Task description : In this task I learned to match similes by picture but I kinda knew how to do that before .This was a fun activity but I took a bit of time to figure out how to put the photos next to them . I needed to put it underneath the text so some of the text and pictures at the bottom are separated.I also took 2 photos because 1 wouldn’t show all of them.

The Penny Walk

Task Description : This task was very easy because it’s only one page, this was also kind of hard because I had a hard time finding my adverbs . In this activity I learned How to find adverbs quickly With a method I now use .This was also kind of fun because the story was quite intresting in my opinion .

News For You

Task Description : This task was hilarious to make because I did mine with Jilliane but I helped a friend with theirs  . We didn’t take too much time but I did try to hold in my laugh for the whole video . In this task I learned all about adverbs and how to find them really quick , and I learned more about adjectives ! This task was really fun   to do and a little surprising because the dictionary said when it was an adverb .Oh yea the emotions thing is not filled in because my teacher said not to , so please don’t mind that  .

No Girls Allowed

Task description: This book was called no girl allowed it took a while for me to find adverbs because there weren’t very many because it took me a long time to get all 5 adverbs . Our teacher told us not to do the emotion part because she thought it was too much work so I just deleted it .  This was really fun if I think about it because we got to interview friends and we got to act like Riley / main character.

Sign language name

Task Description : This task was quite hard as signing names took a little while but I managed to learn mine real quick because my name is 4 letters short . I really wished I got the video on the first try because it took quite a lot of tries to just get a perfect video but I still said a few letters .


Task Description :This task was a bit confusing but I managed to figure it out . The last page was a bit hard so it took a bit of work to finish . I don’t really know very many metaphors so I just went with the flow and tried my best .It didn’t take a while to finish but I still got confused a few bits  at the end and at the front page where it said “a sea of faces”. What would you do if you got stuck  on your metaphors ?

Andrew Lloyd webber

Task description : This Activity was fun and easy . I learned How old Andrew would be right now and when he was born which was 1948 which was quite a long time ago . This was an interesting activity to do, and studying about  Andrew Lloyd Webber  was really fun and enjoyable in my opinion . This was a fun activity to do and I got to learn heaps about Andrew Lloyd webber and you can have a look at my answers for the questions .

Addition decimals

Task description : This activity taught me to add decimals , I also learned that decimals can be like counting money . This activity was quite challenging especially  the last page because it just gets harder and harder every question .   I got some questions wrong before but I hopefully fixed the answers so they are correct , but I still don’t know if they are  actually correct .


Task description :  This task was easy but on the last page I got a bit stuck on what to type in .  In this activity I learned To match similes correctly and understand them deeply . This was fun and short but I still think it took me quite long  to figure out what to type in on the last page . What would you write on the last page ?