Tag: Autumn learning journey

ANZAC war museum

task description : This was a digi-trip to go see  ANZAC War museums I chose a museum in Moscow/ Russia . i took a photo of a green cannon thing but i do not know what it is called .  This was an interesting activity as we get to see places where we have never been before . this was fun and I saw and learned a little bit more about the ANZAC .

Here is  the photo of the green cannon thing . What did you choose to take a photo of in the ANZAC museums ?

Autumn boggle

Task Description : I got 10 words ! that is  quite a lot for me but i still think I could’ve gotten more  but I couldn’t think of more words . Does mun count as a word?  I searched it up and it said  that mun is a word for must , But i’m still not sure . This was not hard because i revealed the words  in my mind and started  writing them down on a google slide . I enjoyed this because I never thought the word Autumn would have 10 words in it .

                                                                                                      It’s a bit blurry but i can still see it . How many words did you find?

Poppy pixel

Task Description : This was an activity that made me search up poppies they looked like a heart in the middle petals and a round shape for the outside petal . I drew this because I think it looked accurate to the ones I saw online but I really don’t know if it’s accurate or not . I wanted it to be unique so i made the stem bent a little and made the poppy different from others . here is the poppy.

                                                                                                                                                                      I hope you like it ! What did your poppy look like ?

Autumn painting !

Task Description : This was an interesting autumn learning journey activity   because we just had to look at some painting and find our favourite one . This one really stood out to me have a look!                                                                                                                                                  I just love the scenery with a train ,trees and leaves on the ground . I hope you like  it too. This is the one I chose because it stood out to me in a way that no other painting did before so if you want to you can take a moment to have a closer look at the  scenery that is happening . can you find your favourite part about the picture ?  What your favourite picture ?

Song maker !

Task description : This was the best autumn learning journey activity  I did so far ! I learned how to make new melodies with  high and low notes ! This is a short melody that I randomly made up on the spot . I also played around with it for a bit before starting on the real one. this was actually easier than I thought it would be  . Enjoy !

Autumn learning journey

Task description : This is the Minecraft activity I worked on yesterday but never got to finish it so i finished it today!   I made a pumpkin with a built in pumpkin patch  and some sunflowers with the pumpkins . I learned how to make a minecraft circle and i’m proud of that because I never  got time to learn that.